Friday, April 8, 2016


Well, that word probably describes my feelings much better than the entire post.

Frustration-the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.

That is all I am going through these days, when things don't go in your way or when they get delayed for some reason, you will be tested, your patience will be put to the test. I'm flunking this test very badly, even after knowing the reasons and my helplessness in fixing the situation, I'm still not able to deal with it normally.

Anxiety is the culprit probably, as I'm not handling it well and I'm letting it control me.

Anxiety-a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behavior or panic attacks.

Through all this phase, what I have learnt is the connectivity between humans and their emotions. I mean the 'Butterfly effect'. There's a reason to put my thoughts and feelings into that perspective, as I was influenced or disturbed with the series of events, which led me into so much of negativity in and around me. If you can't make peace with you, it's going to eat you up and it will find a way to let it out through various ways such as yelling, blaming, cursing, hurting, scolding, at others and most of all it leads to you being 'Mentally unstable'.

It will be very hard to look at the larger picture or the entire episode and get a grip on all these events happening around. You won't be able to sit and think, but after a lot of turmoil, I was able to sit through and gave it a thought about all this and could gain some consciousness back into me to focus on gaining my peace back.

After going through all this and still trying to handle it in a better way, what I have realized is, when you don't have the control  over the outcome, you just have to be patient and wait for your time to get hold of things and steer accordingly later and the best way to culminate all the negative energy you have gained in this process to SLEEP.

Sleep-condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.

Well, at least sleep worked for me. Not that, the problems are solved or my mood swings are in control after sleep, but it does let me to be at peace for a while and give me the hope that its only going to get better. :)

So, folks. Sleep well!

P.S: I could write all this only after having a good sleep. ;)

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